attributed to Jacob Bouttats (Antwerp, 1660 - 1718)
Ardress House, County Armagh
Flemish School
Lyme, Cheshire
follower of Anton Mirou (Antwerp c.1580 - ? after 1661)
Saltram, Devon
manner of Anton Mirou (Antwerp c.1580 - ? after 1661)
follower of Paul Bril (Antwerp 1554 - Rome 1626)
Tredegar, Newport
Francesco Bassano the Younger (Bassano del Grappa 1549 – Venice 1592)
Ham House, Surrey
Paul Bril (Antwerp 1554 - Rome 1626)
Petworth House and Park, West Sussex
Lucas van Valckenborch (Louvain c.1535 – Frankfurt am Main 1597)
Felbrigg, Norfolk