Royal Military Canal
This collection has 996 items online
The collection was created by Dorothy Edith Johnston (1880-1962) and reflects her many interests. The most significant is her library. As well as being a comprehensive collection relating to Kent, it offers valuable insight in the interests and reading habits of a well-travelled woman of independent means. Dorothy travelled extensively and was a keen photographer. With her sister Mary she joined the Fellows of the Royal Geographical Society, part of the first cohort of women to be admitted. By 1936 she was living in Appledore. Her interest in local history is evident from the archaeological finds, guides and photographs of local places of interest. She acquired the papers of the local antiquarian Dr Cock, now deposited with Kent Archives. The collection also includes an interesting selection of Napoleonic memorabilia. They were given to Dorothy and her sister by their fencing tutor, Felix Bertrand. His father Baptiste was a renowned fencing master who had taught the Prince Imperial.