Ickworth, Suffolk
This collection has 18,906 items online
The collections assembled at Ickworth are beyond compare. Our painting collection ranks amongst the top ten in the Trust, and consists almost entirely of portraits. We have several exceptional pictures, including works by Titian, Velazquez, Hogarth, Vigee-Lebrun and Gainsborough, and one of the most outstanding private collections of miniatures in Britain. Our furniture includes the most comprehensive surviving collection of pieces by Royal furniture makers Banting, France and Co, commissioned by the 1st Marquess, as well as significant pieces of continental furniture. Our library is one of the Trust’s finest and most varied, with outstanding manuscripts, some of the best bindings in the Trust, and a nationally significant collection of pamphlets. Our silver is one of The National Trust’s top 2 collections. It is of outstanding quality, and the quantity of 18th century dining silver and dessert plate at Ickworth is unparalleled. Ceramics, too, are of national significance and Ickworth has the largest documented assemblage of first period Doccia dessert table centre-pieces. It is most definitely worth a visit.