Wallington, Northumberland
This collection has 17,507 items online
A collection of family portraits (including works by Hudson, Reynolds, Romney and one of Susanna Trevelyn painted in part by Gainsborough and altered, reputedly by Reynolds, two watercolours by Turner; 18th and 19th century furniture, including pieces by Chippendale and Sheraton; early 18th century needlework panels; 18th century English porcelain including rare Bow figures; and a cabinet of curiosities, with stuffed birds, antiquities, fossils and geological specimens. Also a good collection of books from an early collection - including a substantial part of Lord Macaulay's library, with many annotated books - the Wallington library dates mainly from the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the working collection of the Trevelyans, a remarkable family of radical liberal landowners. In addition to the classical books of George Otto Trevelyan (1838-1928), local books, left-leaning politics can be found; many are annotated. There are several spectacular individual books, including colour plate books and inscribed and association copies.