Apollo and the Muses
Antonio Zucchi, RA (Venice 1726 - Rome 1796)
Art / Oil paintings
Oil on canvas
635 x 1500 mm
Place of origin
Great Britain
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Nostell Priory, West Yorkshire
NT 960060.8
Oil painting on canvas, Apollo and the Muses by Antonio Zucchi, RA (Venice 1726 – Rome 1796), 1767. One of a set of ten wall paintings by Antonio Zucchi, representing classical learning and the Arts.
Commissioned from Antonio Zucchi in 1766 by Sir Rowland Winn, 5th Bt. (1739-1785) and delivered in 1767; referred to as the ‘Library pictures' by Zucchi in a letter from Robert Adam to Sir Rowland Winn, 5th Bt. (1739-1785) of 15 September 1767, and in terms which describe the oval picture as “new painted” in a letter from James Adam to the 5th Bt., dated 6 October 1767; by descent; accepted in lieu of tax by H M Treasury and transferred to the National Trust in 1986.
Credit line
Nostell Priory, The St Oswald Collection (National Trust)
Makers and roles
Antonio Zucchi, RA (Venice 1726 - Rome 1796), artist
Sands 2011: Frances Sands, 'The Art of Collaboration: Antonio Zucchi at Nostell Priory', The Georgian Group Journal, vol.XIX, 2011, pp.106-119