A River Landscape with Fishermen unloading their Catch
manner of Jan Brueghel the Elder (Brussels 1568 - Antwerp 1625)
Art / Oil paintings
1600 - 1699
Oil on copper
255 x 360 mm
Place of origin
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Nostell Priory, West Yorkshire
NT 959422
Oil painting on copper, A River Landscape with Fishermen unloading their Catch, manner of Jan Brueghel the elder (Brussels 1568 - Antwerp 1625). A river landscape with fishermen unloading their catch from boats and a crowd of men and women on the bank; a fort and mountains in the distance.
Purchased by the National Trust by private treaty sale from Lord St Oswald in 2010.
Credit line
Nostell Priory, The St Oswald Collection (National Trust)
Makers and roles
manner of Jan Brueghel the Elder (Brussels 1568 - Antwerp 1625), artist previously catalogued as attributed to Joseph van Bredael (Antwerp 1688 - Paris 1739), artist previously catalogued as manner of Jan Brueghel the Younger (Antwerp 1601 - Antwerp 1678) , artist
Brockwell 1915 Maurice Walter Brockwell, Catalogue of the Pictures and Other Works of Art in the Collection of Lord St Oswald at Nostell Priory, London 1915, cat. 316