Self-portrait of an Artist
manner of Antoine Le Nain (Laon c.1588 - Paris 1648), Louis Le Nain (Laon 1593 - 1648) and Mathieu Le Nain (Laon 1607 - Paris 1677)
Art / Oil paintings
1630 - 1669
Oil on panel
610 x 508 mm (24x 20 in)
Place of origin
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Nostell Priory, West Yorkshire
NT 959406
Oil painting on panel, Self-portrait of an Artist, manner of Antoine Le Nain (Laon c.1588 - Paris 1648), Louis Le Nain (Laon 1593-1648) and Mathieu Le Nain (Laon 1607 - Paris 1677), mid 17th century.
Probably the ‘Portrait of an Artist’ in the Phillips Inventory, 1806, p.12 & Robinson and Wilby Inventory, 1818; possibly the picture described in the notebook of Charles Winn (1795-1874) as 'Portrait of William Mieris by Himself'; thence by descent; purchased by the National Trust by private treaty sale from Lord St Oswald in 2010.
Credit line
Nostell Priory, The St Oswald Collection (National Trust)
Makers and roles
manner of Antoine Le Nain (Laon c.1588 - Paris 1648), Louis Le Nain (Laon 1593 - 1648) and Mathieu Le Nain (Laon 1607 - Paris 1677), artist previously catalogued as by French School, artist previously catalogued as by Dutch School, artist previously catalogued as by Willem van Mieris (Leiden 1662 – Leiden 1747) , artist
Brockwell 1915 Maurice Walter Brockwell, Catalogue of the Pictures and Other Works of Art in the Collection of Lord St Oswald at Nostell Priory, London 1915, cat. no. 233