George Harry Grey, later 6th Earl of Stamford (1765-1845) and Lady Henrietta Grey, later Lady Chetwode (1764-1826) as Children, with their Nurse
Hugh Douglas Hamilton (Dublin 1739/40 - Dublin 1808)
Art / Oil paintings
Oil on canvas
647 x 812 mm (25 1/2 x 32 in)
Order this imageCollection
Dunham Massey, Cheshire
NT 932368
Depicted here are the eldest children of George Harry Grey, 5th Earl of Stamford (1737-1819). According to an early inventory the portrait was painted in 1767. Lord Grey, later 6th Earl of Stamford (1765-1845), was MP for Cheshire and Lord Lieutenant. Lady Henrietta married Sir John Chetwode, 4th Bt.
Oil painting on canvas, George Harry Grey, later 6th Earl of Stamford (1765-1845) and Lady Henrietta Grey, later Lady Chetwode (1764-1826) as Children, with their Nurse by Hugh Douglas Hamilton (Dublin 1739/40 – Dublin 1808). Three full-length portraits, the small girl, left, leans over a chair on which she is supporting a bird cage and a doll, she turns to look at the little boy, right, who reaches towards her with his right hand, his left hand rests on an unconcerned dog beside him; behind them, centre, turned away from them to the left, leaning on the back of a second case-covered chair and reading from a book which she is holding in her left hand, is their nurse. Listed in the 1769 inventory as 'Hamilton 1767'
Bequeathed to the National Trust with the house, estate and all the contents of Dunham Massey by Roger Grey, 10th Earl of Stamford (1896 - 1976)
Marks and inscriptions
Verso: Inscription in 19th century hand on label on back of frame: Probably commenced by Hogarth and left unframed and afterwards finished by someone else as the children are much older at its completion than when it was firstly painted.
Makers and roles
Hugh Douglas Hamilton (Dublin 1739/40 - Dublin 1808), artist