Apollo expelling the Forces of Darkness
after Sir Peter Paul Rubens (Siegen 1577 - Antwerp 1640)
Art / Oil paintings
1630 - 1699
Oil on canvas
2032 x 2540 mm (80 x 100 in)
Order this imageCollection
Dunham Massey, Cheshire
NT 932311
Oil painting on canvas, Apollo expelling the Forces of Darkness, after Sir Peter Paul Rubens (Seigen 1577 - Antwerp 1640). The original painting , of which the figure of Apollo is itself inspired by the antique statue of Apollo Belvedere in the Vatican, is now in the Louvre, Paris.
Bequeathed to the National Trust with the house, estate and all the contents of Dunham Massey by Roger Grey, 10th Earl of Stamford (1896 - 1976)
Makers and roles
after Sir Peter Paul Rubens (Siegen 1577 - Antwerp 1640), artist
Haskell and Penny 1981: Francis Haskell and Nicholas Penny, Taste and the Antique, The Lure of Classical Sculpture 1500 - 1900, New Haven and London, 1981, 8