Peasants carousing in a Barn
Joost Cornelisz Droochsloot (Utrecht 1586 - Utrecht 1666)
Art / Oil paintings
1636 (signed and dated)
Oil on panel
546 x 749 mm (21 1/2 x 29 1/2 in)
Place of origin
Order this imageCollection
Castle Ward, County Down
NT 836150
Oil painting on panel, Peasants carousing in a Barn by Joost Cornelis Droochsloot (Utrecht 1586 – Utrecht 1666), signed and dated on chimney breast: JC Drooch Sloot f. 1636. A tavern group scene in whchi the group are dancing and otherwise engaged next to a firplace on the right. A cock and a hen can bveseen on the left foreground and a dog on the right.
Purchased from Edward Ward, 7th Viscount Bangor (1903 – 1993), in 1967, with a grant from the Ulster Land Fund
Credit line
Castle Ward, The Bangor Collection (accepted in lieu of tax by HM Treasury and transferred to the National Trust in 1953)
Makers and roles
Joost Cornelisz Droochsloot (Utrecht 1586 - Utrecht 1666), artist