James Hamilton (1688 - 1704), as a child
British (Irish) School
Art / Oil paintings
circa 1695
Oil on canvas (oval)
737 x 610 mm (29 x 24 in)
Order this imageCollection
Castle Ward, County Down
NT 836129
Oil painting on canvas (oval), James Hamilton (1688 - 1704), as a child, British (Irish) School, circa 1695, inscribed: Master James Hamilton. An oval three-quarter-length portrait of James Hamilton, the son of James Hamilton of Bangor and Sophia Mordaunt, as a boy, walking facing the left, wearing brown coat and brown silk cloak and hisd left arm held forward.
Purchased from Edward Ward, 7th Viscount Bangor (1903 – 1993), in 1967, with a grant from the Ulster Land Fund
Marks and inscriptions
L.L. MAStr JAMES / HAMILTON. (on front, in lower left area)
Makers and roles
British (Irish) School, artist British (English) School, artist