An Old Lady holding a Fur Muff and Spectacles
after Gerrit Dou (Leiden 1613 - Leiden 1675)
Art / Oil paintings
1800 - 1899
Oil on panel
135 x 115 mm
Place of origin
Order this imageCollection
Sheringham, Norfolk
NT 800818
Oil painting on panel, An Old Lady holding a Fur Muff and Spectacles, after Gerrit Dou (Leyden 1613 – Leyden 1675), 19th century. Half-length of an old lady, turned to the left, gazing to the right, holding a fur muff in her left hand and her spectacles in her right, wearing a brown robe with a red collar, and white close-fitting linen head-covering. Indecipherable red wax armourial seal on back.
Purchased by the National Trust with Sheringham, with grants from the National Heritage Memorial Fund, the Countryside Commission, the National Conservancy Council, and several bequests, in 1987
Makers and roles
after Gerrit Dou (Leiden 1613 - Leiden 1675), artist