Plastic doll
circa 1960
Plastic doll
74 mm (width); 140 mm (height); 55 mm (depth)
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Sudbury Hall Museum of Childhood, Derbyshire
NT 663471
This record contains racist stereotype, retained here in the interests of learning and historical research. A doll in the ‘Dakko-chan’ style made by or after Takara Co., Japan, probably manufactured in Hong Kong, c.1960. The doll made of hollow black plastic, with caricatured facial features: a curl of hair on the crown of the head painted yellow, eyebrows painted yellow, mouth painted red, holographic lenticular eyes (of the so-called ‘winky blinky’ type), hoop ears each with bronze-coloured plastic hooped earrings. The doll wears a pink plastic skirt (original) and over it a knitted green wool dress handmade by the donor. The dress with a brown wool bow at the front and an orange ribbon pinned around the waist with a small safety pin. The doll wears an elasticated clear-plastic beaded necklace, the elastic now stretched. A length of red plastic cord attached to a loop at the top of the head. After or by the Takara Co. ‘Dakko-chan’ doll manufactured from 1960 to 1988.