Lantern slide
Carpenter and Westley.
Technological items
Glass, print, paint and wood
180 mm (length); 99 mm (height); 8mm (minimum height); 11mm (maximum height)
Place of origin
Order this imageCollection
Sudbury Hall Museum of Childhood, Derbyshire
NT 659980
This record contains racist imagery, shown here in the interest of learning and historical research. Set A, five moveable printed and hand-coloured glass magic lantern slides, manufactured by Carpenter & Westley, London, 19th century. The slides depict a racist caricature of a woman of African heritage, wearing a spotted mob cap with blue ribbon, her arms covered with green and yellow leaves; with mobile part for the eyes which can be moved to left and right. Framed in wood, inscribed by hand in pen and black ink 'Cauliflower' / '[…]', impressed 'CARPENTER / AND WESTLEY / 24 REGENT ST / LONDON'. Set B, four moveable hand-coloured printed and hand-coloured glass magic lantern slides contained in a wooden box, unidentified manufacturer. The slides show a plant; a woman wearing glasses and a nightcap, holding a pair of scissors; a bed; a man with a green umbrella tiptoeing to bed; the back of the head and shoulders of a man wearing blue clothes and a yellow hat; a pig's tail; a man about to carve a piglet on a dinner table; the piglet jumping up and biting the man's nose. Framed in wood, inscribed ' Pig Tail', 'Good accommodation', '9 Tailors & Cabbages', 'Roast pigs'; Label inscribed 'Set / £12'.
Marks and inscriptions
Frame set A: CARPENTER/ AND WESTLEY/ 24 REGENT ST/ LONDON Frame set A: Cauliflower Label set B: Set/ £12.00 Frame set B: Pig Tail Frame set B: Good Accommodation Frame set B: 9 Tailors [and] Cabbages Frame set B: Roast pig
Makers and roles
Carpenter and Westley., maker