Women sacrificing to Janus
Johan Danckerts (c.1615 - c.1687)
Art / Oil paintings
1625 - 1687
Oil on canvas
2261 x 3353 mm
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Sudbury Hall (Children's Country House), Derbyshire
NT 653185
Oil painting on canvas, Women sacrificing to Janus, Anglo-Dutch School, possibly by Johan Danckerts (c.1615 - 1687). A landscape scene. At the left a group of women decorate a herm of Janus Bifrons, God of the Year and Gardens as well as doorways and dwelling-houses, with garlands of flowers. In the centre a female figure is pouring oil into a flaming urn, beside her a seated woman with two children. In the background is the portico of a classical temple.
Vernon collection transferred to the Treasury in 1967 following death of 9th Lord Vernon, and transferred to The National Trust in 1967.
Credit line
Sudbury Hall, The Vernon Collection (acquired through the National Land Fund and transferred to the National Trust in 1967)
Makers and roles
Johan Danckerts (c.1615 - c.1687), artist Anglo-Dutch School, artist