Ambrose Elton of the Hazle (1621-1691)
Pieter Borsselaer (Middelburg 1632 - Goes 1692)
Art / Oil paintings
circa 1680
Oil on canvas
775 x 648 mm (30 1/2 x 25 1/2 in)
Place of origin
Order this imageCollection
Clevedon Court, North Somerset
NT 624197
Oil painting on canvas, Ambrose Elton of the Hazle (1621-1691) by Peter Borsselaer (fl.1664-1687). Inscribed.... A portrait of a mature man, head and shoulders, turned slightly to the left, gazing at the spectator, natural curly light brown, shoulder-length, hair wearing a dark silk doublet and black cloak, with a falling lace cravat.
Accepted in lieu of tax 1995 from the estate of Lady Margaret Ann Elton (1915 -1995) and transferred to The National Trust in 1998
Credit line
Clevedon Court, The Elton Collection (accepted in lieu by HM Government and transferred to The National Trust in 1998)
Makers and roles
Pieter Borsselaer (Middelburg 1632 - Goes 1692) , artist