Academic Study of a Male Nude in the same Pose as a Figure in Michelangelo’s ‘Last Judgement’ in the Sistine Chapel, Rome
John Constable, RA (East Bergholt 1776 - London 1837)
Art / Oil paintings
1808 - 1829
Oil on canvas
887 x 695 mm
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Anglesey Abbey, Cambridgeshire
NT 515699
Oil painting on canvas, Academic Study of a Male Nude in the same Pose as a Figure in Michelangelo’s ‘Last Judgement’ in the Sistine Chapel, Rome, by John Constable, RA (East Bergholt 1776 – London 1837), 1808-22. Full length male nude figure with Cross, based on a figure on the right-hand side, middle register, of Michelangelo's Last Judgement.
Bequeathed to the National Trust by Huttleston Rogers Broughton, 1st Lord Fairhaven (1896-1966) with the house and the rest of the contents.
Credit line
Anglesey Abbey, The Fairhaven Collection (National Trust)
Makers and roles
John Constable, RA (East Bergholt 1776 - London 1837), artist