The Persian Sibyl
after Guercino (Cento 1591 – Bologna 1666)
Art / Oil paintings
1600 - 1699
Oil on canvas
1190 x 910 mm
Place of origin
Order this imageCollection
Grantham House, Lincolnshire
NT 493606
Oil painting on canvas, The Persian Sibyl, after Guercino (Cento 1591 – Bologna 1666). The Sibyl in a yellow dress with blue border and orange and brown cloak wearing a turban and standing by plinth resting her head on her left hand with elbow on a book on which is inscribed SIBILLA PERSICA; facing half right and writing with a quill. This ia a copy to scale of the original painted for conte Carlo Rondinelli, Governor of Guercino's native Cento, in 1647, which is now in the Pinacoteca Capitolina in Rome.
Given to the National Trust by the Misses Winifred and Marion Sedgwick in 1944 - 50, having presumably been acquired or inherited by their mother, who became the tenant of Grantham House in 1884, and inherited it from her brother in 1924
Marks and inscriptions
On the book: SIBILLA PERSICA Label on stretcher: W.BOSWELL, FINE ART GALLERIES, 48 London Street, Norwich
Makers and roles
after Guercino (Cento 1591 – Bologna 1666) , artist
Il Guercino. Dipinti e Disegni Il Guercino e Lal Bottega (Denis Mahon), Museo Civico Archeologico Cento, Pinacoteca Civica e Chiesa del Rosario, Bologna, 6 September - 10 November 1991, for original see n. 111