The Boy Pilgrim
after Alexis Grimou (Argenteuil 1678 - Paris 1733)
Art / Oil paintings
1700 - 1799
Oil on canvas in frame.
806 x 616 mm (31 3/4 x 24 1/4 in)
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Clandon Park, Surrey
NT 1441505
[Destroyed in the fire of 2015] Oil painting on canvas, The Boy Pilgrim after Alexis Grimou (Argenteuil 1678 – Paris 1733), 18th century. Half-length portrait of a young boy, his back turned to the spectator, turned to the right, looking over his right shoulder, weating a brown coat and white linen ruff, holding a long staff in his right hand and holding his black hat behind his back with his left hand. The original is in the Uffizi, Florence
Accepted by the Treasury in lieu of Estate Duty on the death of the 5th and the 6th Earl in 1984
Marks and inscriptions
Makers and roles
after Alexis Grimou (Argenteuil 1678 - Paris 1733), artist