Leda and the Swan
follower of Sir Anthony Van Dyck (Antwerp 1599 - London 1641)
Art / Oil paintings
1630 - 1699
Oil on canvas
1140 x 1450 mm
Place of origin
Flanders (Belgium from 1830)
Order this imageCollection
Knole, Kent
NT 129969
Oil painting on canvas, Leda and the Swan, by a follower of Sir Anthony Van Dyck (Antwerp 1599 - London 1641).
Recorded in 1799 as in The Passage; purchased by the National Trust from the Sackville family in 1988 with the aid of the National Heritage Memorial Fund.
Credit line
Knole, The Sackville Collection (acquired with the help of the National Heritage Memorial Fund and transferred to the National Trust in 1988)
Makers and roles
follower of Sir Anthony Van Dyck (Antwerp 1599 - London 1641), artist