An Unknown Man
Dutch School or Flemish School
Art / Oil paintings
1620 - 1629
Oil on canvas
800 x 629 mm (31 1/2 x 24 3/4 in)
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Polesden Lacey, Surrey
NT 1246560
The sobriety of this sitter’s monochrome costume belies the great expense of a black silk doublet and a carefully pressed white linen ruff in the seventeenth-century Low Countries. His frank gaze is combined with a courtly hand-on-hip pose. The semi-legible inscription dates the picture to the 1620s.
Oil painting on canvas, An Unknown Man, Dutch or Flemish School, inscribed "Aetat Su...Ano 162..[concealed by frame]". A half-length portrait of a middle-aged man, turned slightly to the right, gazing to the right, with short hair and a grey beard, wearing a black doublet with a large white pleated linen ruff and skullcap, his left hand on his hip at his gold buckled belt. Dark background.
The bequest of Margaret (Anderson) McEwan, The Hon. Mrs Ronald - later Dame Margaret - Henry Fulke Greville, DBE (1863-1942) from probate records linked with the donation of the property to the National Trust in 1943. This item found on the record for Polesden Lacey pictures, drawings etc., ground floor corridor, page 122.
Credit line
Polesden Lacey, The McEwan Collection (National Trust)
Marks and inscriptions
'Ham No.5 P.L.No.4' (inscribed on reverse)
Makers and roles
Dutch School or Flemish School, artist previously catalogued as follower of Frans Hals (Antwerp c.1581 - Haarlem 1666), artist