Two Children and an Attendant
Anglo-Dutch School
Art / Oil paintings
1658 (inscribed) - 1658
Oil on canvas
1473 x 1397 mm (58 x 55 in)
Order this imageCollection
Oxburgh Hall, Norfolk
NT 1210329
Oil painting on canvas, Two Children and an Attendant, Anglo-Dutch School, inscribed, flanking head of boy: Ætatis Suae 8./1658; in white, bottom left-hand corner, [painted out]: 46. Three full-length figures, standing. A finely dressed blonde boy, looking out to the viewer, turns slightly to his left indicating his sister. He wears a black satin coat over full white shirt sleeves, petticoat, breeches and caunons (stiffened, wedge-shaped linings for breeches), brown shoes with scarlet heels and bows. His rabat or low collar is white. His sister is seen full-face, with smooth light-brown hair parted in the centre and falling in ringlets to the shoulders. Her cream dress has a circular decolletage. Over this a loose dark-blue clock or overdress is worn. Heavily re-painted. They may be the children of the 1st Bart, who married Margaret Paston in 1635. A child, perhaps a later addition, stands to the girl's immediate left wearing a golden brown jacket with pearl buttons and a pearl earring, holding a bunch of grapes. Heavily re-painted. Inscribed 1658 aged 8.
Part of the Bedingfeld collection; presented to the National Trust by Sybil Lyne-Stephens, Lady Paston-Bedingfeld (1883 – 1985), 1961.
Marks and inscriptions
1658 aged 8
Makers and roles
Anglo-Dutch School, artist