Hercules terrifying King Eurytheus with the Erymanthian Boar
Italian School
Art / Oil paintings
1670 - 1699
Oil on canvas
1689 x 2083 mm (66 1/2 x 82 in)
Place of origin
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Kedleston Hall, Derbyshire
NT 108842
Oil painting on canvas, Hercules terrifying King Eurytheus with the Erymanthian Boar/Hercules showing the Erymanthean Boar to Eurystheus, Italian School, late 17th century. The scene depicts the conclusion of the fourth labour of Hercules. The boar, terrified the neighbourhood of Mount Erymanthus and had to be captured alive. It was chased through deep snow and having thus worn it out, Hercules caught it in a net and carried it to Eurystheus. He was so frightened he subsequently hid in a jar.
Credit line
Kedleston Hall, The Scarsdale Collection(National Trust)
Makers and roles
Italian School, artist previously catalogued as attributed to Pietro da Cortona (Cortona 1596 – Rome 1669), artist