Julius Charles Drewe (1856 - 1931) at Faskally
Charles Martin Hardie (East Linton 1858 - Edinburgh 1916)
Art / Oil paintings
1902 (signed and dated)
Oil on canvas
2350 x 1460 mm
Order this imageCollection
Castle Drogo, Devon
NT 903815
Millionaire entrepreneur Julius Drewe loved fishing and the castle he built contains many relics relating to his beloved sport. In many ways this portrait is an Edwardian archetype: a self-made English gentleman, immaculately dressed for an exclusive sport, with his finest trophy - 39 lb salmon at his feet. Sir Edwin Lutyens, however, architect of Castle Drogo, was less than impressed, remarking of the artist, ‘At least he could paint boots’. Interestingly, the salmon (now well over 100 years old) still remains within the castle as it was preserved.
Oil painting on canvas, Mr Julius Drewe (1856 - 1931) at Faskally by Charles Martin Hardie (East Linton 1858 - Edinburgh 1916) signed on bottom left: C.M.Hardie, RSA / 1902. He is, at Faskally, shown full-length dressed for fishing on the river Tummel in Perthshire, in his favourite Burberry, holding a book of fishing flies, and a 39lb. salmon, which he caught in 1900, and is still preserved in the house, can be seen, at his feet behind him.
This item forms part of the original Drewe family collection at Castle Drogo. It was transferred to the National Trust in 1985.
Marks and inscriptions
Makers and roles
Charles Martin Hardie (East Linton 1858 - Edinburgh 1916), artist