Frederick Augustus Hervey, 4th Earl of Bristol and Bishop of Derry (1730-1803) in the Borghese Gardens, Rome
Hugh Douglas Hamilton (Dublin 1739/40 - Dublin 1808)
Art / Drawings and watercolours
Pastel on paper
978 x 1181 mm (38 1/2 x 46 1/2 in)
Place of origin
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Ickworth, Suffolk
NT 851985
Pastel on paper, Frederick Augustus Hervey, 4th Earl of Bristol and Bishop of Derry (1730-1803) by Hugh Douglas Hamilton (Dublin 1736 – Dublin 1808). 1790 (?). A full-length portrait, turned to the right, a gazing to the right, seated in the left foreground on a stone bench under a tree in the corner of the Borghese Gardens known as the Pincian Hill, looking out at Rome over a stone parapet. Wears black clerical garb, his left arm rests on the wooden back of the bench.
Purchased by the National Trust from the 7th Marquess of Bristol in 1993 with the help of grants of £40,000 from the Art Fund (then called National Art Collections Fund) and of £25,000 from the National Heritage Memorial Fund.
Makers and roles
Hugh Douglas Hamilton (Dublin 1739/40 - Dublin 1808), photographer