Hercules Resting
Giuseppe Mattia Borgnis (1701 - West Wycombe, Bucks. 1761)
Architecture / Features & Decoration
circa 1755
Lime plaster, sand, hair, casein and pigments.
2 x 4 m
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West Wycombe Park, Buckinghamshire
NT 807701.6
Wall painting, North Wall, on second floor. The wall is divided into two registers with scrolling rinceau in the lower with a representation of ‘Hercules Resting’ after Carracci’s fresco in Camerino Farnese, Rome. Painted by Guiseppe Borgnis c.1755, the staircase scheme includes biblical and mythological scenes. The wall painting on the north wall is on the upper landing and depicts ‘Hercules resting from his labours’.
Makers and roles
Giuseppe Mattia Borgnis (1701 - West Wycombe, Bucks. 1761), artist