Bisque-headed doll
circa 1900
Bisque-headed doll, textiles
213 mm (height)
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Sudbury Hall Museum of Childhood, Derbyshire
NT 659595
A bisque-headed doll with moulded and painted facial features and painted details. Her head is attached to her body by a metal hoop attached to blue string. She has a composition body with jointed composition arms, which have been painted pink, her fingers on her right hand have broken off and are missing. Her legs are jointed composition and painted on are black heeled boots. She is wearing a short red fabric dress, which has lace trim on the sleeves and around the neck. Under this is a fabric petticoat which has small printed red and blue flowers and is trimmed with lace. She has cream lace knickers. On her head she has a red fabric bonnet edged with lace.