Rain Clouds, Weymouth Bay, Dorset
manner of John Constable, RA (East Bergholt 1776 - London 1837)
Art / Oil paintings
1800 - 1899
Oil on canvas
235 x 311 mm. (9 1/4 x 12 1/4 in.)
Place of origin
Order this imageCollection
Anglesey Abbey, Cambridgeshire
NT 515724
Oil painting on canvas, Rain Clouds, Weymouth Bay, Dorset, in the manner of John Constable, RA (East Bergholt 1776 – London 1837). Pastiche. Bay, with expansive landscape with hills gently sloping down to the sea, covered with a faint mist, in the foreground small houses, facing a beach, with a choppy sea, sky with rain clouds gathering.
Bequeathed to the National Trust by Huttleston Rogers Broughton, 1st Lord Fairhaven (1896-1966) with the house and the rest of the contents.
Credit line
Anglesey Abbey, The Fairhaven Collection (National Trust)
Makers and roles
manner of John Constable, RA (East Bergholt 1776 - London 1837), artist