George Augustus Frederick Percy Sydney Smythe, later 7th Viscount Strangford (1818-1857)
Richard Buckner (1812 - London 1883)
Art / Oil paintings
circa 1840
Oil on canvas (oval)
599 x 495 mm (23 1/2 x 19 1/2 in)
Place of origin
Order this imageCollection
Hughenden, Buckinghamshire
NT 428974
Oil painting on canvas (oval), George Augustus Frederick Percy Sydney Smythe, later 7th Viscount Strangford (1818-1857) by Richard Buckner (Chichester 1812 – London 1883), circa 1840. An oval three-quarter length portrait, seated in red velvet armchair with left arm leaning on it and hand touching neck. Right leg crossed over left balancing book, held open by right hand. The original of the hero in Disraeli's novel Coningsby. With Disraeli, Lord John Manners and Baillie Cockrane, he formed the 'Young England Party'. He is said to have fought the last duel in England in 1852.
Given to the National Trust with Hughenden Manor by the Disraelian Society, 1947
Credit line
Hughenden Manor, The Disraeli Collection (National Trust)
Makers and roles
Richard Buckner (1812 - London 1883), artist