Mrs Phyllis Julyan's Garden
Mary Martin (b. St Dominic, Cornwall 1951)
Art / Oil paintings
Oil on hardboard
Place of origin
St Dominic
Cotehele, Cornwall
NT 349152
Oil painting on hardboard, Mrs Phyllis Julyan's Garden by Mary Martin (b. St Dominic, Cornwall 1951), 1985. Colonel and Mrs Julyan were tenants in Cotehele's East Range from around 1950. Colonel Julyan passed away in 1972 but Mrs Julyan remained here until 1995. She was passionate about gardening, and an area of Cotehele garden, adjacent to the Upper Garden, was tended by her. Mary Martin writes: "Mrs Julyan's Garden" (exhibited at Cotehele in 1985) was painted in situ when she grew colourful herbaceous borders inside clipped yew hedges: Phyllis [Mrs Julyan] tended it very early in the morning before the visitors arrived, and she kindly allowed me into her private domain.'
On loan from the artist
Makers and roles
Mary Martin (b. St Dominic, Cornwall 1951), artist