Pietà (after Francesco Francia)
Rebecca Dulcibella Orpen (1829/30 - 1923)
Art / Oil paintings
1850 - 1923
Oil on canvas
991 x 1829 mm (39 x 72 in)
Place of origin
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Baddesley Clinton, Warwickshire
NT 343202
Oil painting on canvas (lunette), Pietà (after Francesco Francia) by Rebecca Dulcibella Orpen, later Mrs Edward Dering (1830 – 1923). Christ's dead body is held by the Virgin Mary in her lap. His head is held by an angel while another looks at the wounds in his feet. The original is in the collection of the National Gallery, London.
Acquired through the National Land Fund and transferred to the National Trust in 1980
Credit line
Baddesley Clinton, The Ferrers Collection (acquired through the National Land Fund and transferred to the National Trust in 1980)
Makers and roles
Rebecca Dulcibella Orpen (1829/30 - 1923), artist after Francesco Francia (Bologna c.1450 – Bologna 1517), artist