Paroimiographia. Proverbs, or, Old sayed savves & adages, in English (or the Saxon toung) Italian, French and Spanish whereunto the British, for their great antiquity and weight are added. Which proverbs are either moral, relating to good life; physical, relating to diet, and health; topical, relating to particular places; temporal, relating to seasons; or ironical, relating to raillery, and mirth, &c. Collected by J. H. Esqr.
James Howell (1594?-1666)
Place of origin
Blickling Hall, Norfolk
NT 3217475
Bibliographic description
[14], 4, [6]; 24; 8, 7-10; [8], 28; [8], 24; [8], 32; [8], 40; [4], 10 p. ; fol. Running number: 7280. With two leaves of plates: frontispiece between leaves a1-2 with text "Associatio linguarum" and "La ligue des langues", signed "W: Faithorne fe:", and portrait of Howell leaning against a tree between leaves [para]2 and b1 with verse in Latin and English, signed "C. Melan et Bosse sculp.". Provenance: manuscript initial on front fly-leaf: "M." [i.e. catalogue code of John Mitchell (ca. 1685-1751), librarian to Sir Richard Ellys (1682-1742)]; with Mitchell's manuscript code at foot of leaf, partially destroyed due to binding repairs: "... ' ½." [i.e. originally a Greek number]. Manuscript former shelfmark or price[?] on front fly-leaf: "31-b [or 6]-[symbol]". Manuscript number on front pastedown: "13". Manuscript number in pencil on front fly-leaf, scribbled over in ink. Manuscript inscriptions in different hands at head of title page: "Hen: Foxcroft. the In. Temp: 1698 pre 0-5s-6d" [i.e. one Henry Foxcroft of the Inner Temple] and "Elephant 4". Author's name "[H]owel" supplied in manuscript after initials in author statement on title page. With some manuscript marginal markings throughout text. Manuscript inscription upside-down on rear fly-leaf: "Mr Banks at Mr. Aris's printer in Jewen Street by Aldersgate Street" [Mr. Banks not identified; Mr. Aris is possibly Samuel Aris (fl. 1723-1755), printer and stationer in Exeter-Change in the Strand (1725) and Creed Lane (1720?-1734) -- cf. BBTI]. Binding: seventeenth-century full blind-tooled mottled calf (worn, partly delaminated); sewn onto five cords; covers have a border and an inner panel of single and double blind fillets and two blind dotted roll patterns, the inner panel with blind cornerpeice stamps; single blind fillet and dotted roll patterns along board edges; rebacked (twentieth-century) in blind-tooled sheepskin; gilt title on brown goatskin label on spine. Red mottled textblock edges. Pencil note in hand of Cecil Clarabut[?] (Trust Libraries Advisor) on front pastedown: "Repaired at Cambridge, ?1956".
Makers and roles
James Howell (1594?-1666)