Aula heroum siue Fasti Romanorum ab vrbe condita vsq[ue] ad ann. Dom. 1673. In quibus omnes Romanae historiae continentur hic enim Romanorum reges, consules, magistri equitum & imperatores Cum eorundem triumphis & ouationibus, principes senatus, pontifices maximi & S.R.E. cardinales. vrbisque pr[a]esides, qui sub nomine senatoris rom[a]e nunc resident, dignoscuntur. Ac demum monumenta qua sub heroûm imaginibus Patauij in dista aula, in qua modo bibliotheca publica, & academia ricoueratorum Florent; Ioan. Cauacius nob. Patau. olim erexit, nuperque Thomas Herculanus ... vetustate consumpta restituit, clarioraq[ue] vrbis, & orbis facinora recensentur. Libri quatuor Ferdinando Mariae S.R.I. electori archidapiphero duci vtriusq[ue] Bauariae, & Palatinatus superioris, ... Studio, et opere comitis Iacobi Zabarellae ... edita, et dicata.
Jacopo Zabarella (1533-1589)
Place of origin
Blickling Hall, Norfolk
NT 3208494
Bibliographic description
[16], 391, [29] p. : ill. ; 4to. Running number: 5942. Provenance: nineteenth or twentieth-century manuscript former shelfmark on front pastedown: "(7.E.35)". Manuscript initial on front fly-leaf: "M." [i.e. catalogue code of John Mitchell (ca. 1685-1751), librarian to Sir Richard Ellys (1682-1742)]. Armorial bookplate of Ulisse Giuseppe Gozzadini (1650-1728), Cardinal and Bishop of Imola, colour-stamped in red and yellow, pasted onto front fly-leaf: arms per bend argent and gules, surrounded by a bordure sable charged with 12 bezants, in chief three fleur-de-lys of Anjou; red cardinal's hat with three rows of tassels; beneath all the initials 'U.J. C.G.' [i.e. Ulysses Josephus Cardinalis Gozzadinus]. Binding: nineteenth or twentieth-century half-bound blind-tooled calf, with pink and brown marbled paper over boards; spine has gilt fillet decoration, gilt title on red goatskin label, and gilt date stamped directly onto spine. Red sprinkled edges. New endpapers.
Makers and roles
Jacopo Zabarella (1533-1589)