De notis Romanorum commentaries in quo earum interpretationes quotquot reperiri potuerunt collegit, litterarum ordine digessit, obseruationes adiecit Sertorius Vrsatus Patauinus sereniss. Veneti senatus eques atque in patrio Lyceo meteororum professor eumque illustrissimis et excellentissimis Gymnasii Patauini moderatoribus amplissimis obtulit.
Count Sertorio Orsato (1617-1678)
Place of origin
Blickling Hall, Norfolk
NT 3114796
Bibliographic description
[16], 532 p. ; fol. Running number: 6121. Provenance: armorial bookplate on front pastedown: 'Franciscus Blouet de Camilly Episcopus & Comes Tullensis S. R. I. P.' [i.e. François Blouet de Camilly (1664-1723), Bishop of Toul and Archbishop of Tours. His library was sold at auction in Paris, 7 March 1726]. Unidentified armorial binding (probably French): Or, a chevron between three mullets, in nombril point a coronet (possibly a French duke or marquis); crest a demi-griffin rampant with wings elevated, out of a barred helm affronty with mantling; supporters two griffins coward segreant. Manuscript number in red crayon or pencil on rear fly-leaf: "A 470". Binding: seventeenth-century full sprinkled calf (rubbed and scratched); sewn onto six sewing supports; gilt armorial stamp on front and back covers; gilt roll pattern along board edges; six raised bands; gold-tooled spine, with repeated coat of arms (same as on covers), fillet, roll and stamp-tooling. Red and green mottled edges on textblock. Placard swirl-marbled pastedowns.
Makers and roles
Count Sertorio Orsato (1617-1678)