Hieroglyphica, siue Antiqua schemata gemmarum anularium, quaesita moralia, politica, historica, medica, philosophica, & sublimiora, omnigenam eruditionem, & altiorem sapientiam attingentia, diligenter explicata responsis Fortunii Liceti ...
Fortunio Liceti (1577-1657)
Place of origin
Blickling Hall, Norfolk
NT 3079648
Bibliographic description
[20], 440, [20] p. : ill., port. ; fol. Running number: 6125. Top right corner of front fly-leaf has been removed, probably to remove an inscription. Provenance: manuscript initial on front fly-leaf: "M." [i.e. catalogue code of John Mitchell (ca. 1685-1751), librarian to Sir Richard Ellys (1682-1742)]; with Mitchell's manuscript code at foot of leaf: "ε'." [i.e. epsilon' = Greek number 5]. Manuscript price in red crayon or pencil on front fly-leaf: "-5s-". Binding: seventeenth-century full mottled calf (heavily delaminated where the mottling and staining was applied); sewn onto six sewing supports; double gilt fillet border; double and single gilt fillet inner concentric frame, dark-stained, with gilt cornerpiece stamps; remnants of gilt roll pattern along board edges; spine rebacked (eighteenth-century?) in quarter calf; gilt title on light brown goatskin label on spine. Red and brown sprinkled edges. Manuscript waste on vellum lines both boards and the free endpapers.
Makers and roles
Fortunio Liceti (1577-1657), author Giovanni Georgi (1617-1656), engraver (printmaker)