Biblia, dat is de gantsche H. Schrifture, vervattende alle de Canonijke Boecken des Ouden en des Nieuwen Testaments. Door Last der Hoog-Mog: Heeren Staten Generael vande Vereenigde Nederlanden, en volgens het Besluyt vande Synode Nationael, gehouden tot Dordrecht inde Jaren 1618 ende 1619.
425 x 290 x 143 mm
Place of origin
Gunby Hall Estate, Lincolnshire
NT 3068040
Full description
Orientation: VerticalText Substrate: handmade laid paper Ink/Pigment: Black printing and engraving ink Type: BOUND BOOK Binding Type: Inboard binding, raised supportsDate of Binding: contemporary Binder's Name: Low CountriesEnd Leaves: pastedowns of plain, white, handmade, laid paper only surviveStructure: EnglishEdges: plain cut, coloured red, polished Spine Lining: moderate round, angled joints, very narrow, ribbon-like, textile, transverse linings, the joints adhered to the inside of the boards End Bands: stuck-on, the joint pasted to the outside of the boards (both endbands are now missing)Bookmark: NoneBoards: 11mm oak wood boards, external cushion along spine edge with internal bevel, internal chamfer along the H, T and Fe. Covering: thick, red-brown, polished, diced, russia calf Tooling Spine: blind-tooled t/t/t fillet at head and tail of each panelTooling Sides: blind-tooled t/t/t fillet border, inner frame with ‘Oxford’ corners and centre frame, with internal corner fleurons and linked to inner frame with diagonal links. Large blind-blocked centre piece Furniture: cast copper alloy corners and hinged clasps in the form of solomonic columnsEnclosure: BookshoeBinding Notes: loosely inserted 19th-century mss letters in Dutch
Bibliographic description
fol.. Binding: Eighteenth-century Dutch blind embossed diced calf; two broken clasps. In bookshoe