The annals and history of Cornelius Tacitus: . his account of the antient Germans, and the life of Agricola. Made English by several hands. With the political reflections and historical notes of Monsieur Amelot De La Houssay, and the learned Sir Henry Savile. In three volumes. Vol. I.
Cornelius Tacitus (c.55-after 115)
Place of origin
Dunham Massey, Cheshire
NT 3051160
Bibliographic description
[6],23,[21],384,76,[20]p.. Identified in 1768 catalogue: Aa.5 [Aa.2 in a later hand]. Contains 1 folded plate (genealogical table) before "A chronological table ..." not noted in ESTC record.. Provenance: Armorial bookplate on front pastedown: Grey and Booth quarterings, impaling Cavendish-Bentinck, 'standard' version, with a double-tailed lion [i.e. George Harry Grey, 5th Earl of Stamford and 1st Earl of Warrington (2nd cr.) (1737-1819)].. Binding: 18th century Cambridge-style calf binding, blind tooled to a rectangular panel design; board edges have gilt roll decoration; gilt spine title: 'Corneliu Tacitus vol I'.
Makers and roles
Cornelius Tacitus (c.55-after 115) Abraham-Nicolas Amelot de La Houssaie (1634 - 1706) John Dryden (1631 - 1700) François de Salignac de La Mothe-Fénelon (1651-1715) Archbishop of Cambrai William Higden (1662-1715) Justus Lipsius (1547-1606) John Potenger (1647-1733) Sir Henry Savile (1549-1622) William Bromley, MP (1664 – 1732)