The designs of Inigo Jones, consisting of plans and elevations for publick and private buildings. Publish'd by William Kent, with some additional designs.
Inigo Jones (London 1573 – London 1652)
Place of origin
Blickling Hall, Norfolk
NT 3009532
Bibliographic description
2 v. : ill., plans ; fol. Running number: 7317. 2 v. in 1. Imperfect: wanting frontispiece/half-title (as are most copies). Provenance: manuscript former shelfmark (nineteenth-century) in pencil: 33.A.20. Manuscript inscription on front fly-leaf: "M. 2. Vol. in one" [i.e. catalogue code and collation note, written by John Mitchell (ca. 1685-1751), librarian to Sir Richard Ellys (1682-1742)]; with Mitchell's manuscript code at foot of leaf: "Δ'." [i.e. Delta = Greek number]. List of subscribers includes 'Sir John Hobart', i.e. Sir John Hobart (1693-1756), later 1st Earl of Buckinghamshire, but this does not appear to be his copy as it was certainly Richard Ellys's. Binding: eighteenth-century full gold-tooled sprinkled calf; sewn on four supports with seven raised bands; gilt border of fillets and floral roll patterns, with gilt crown cornerpiece stamps; gilt roll pattern along board edges; gold-tooled spine; gilt title on brown goatskin label on spine. Red sprinkled textblock edges.
Makers and roles
Inigo Jones (London 1573 – London 1652), architect William Kent (Bridlington 1685 - London 1748), architect Richard Boyle, 3rd Earl of Burlington (1694 – 1753), architect Andrea Palladio (1508-1580), architect Henry Flitcroft (1697 - 1769) , architect Hendrick Hulsberg (Amsterdam – London 1729), engraver (printmaker) Pierre Fourdrinier (1698-1758), engraver (printmaker) James Cole (fl.1715 - 1774), engraver (printmaker) Hérisset, Antoine, engraver (printmaker) Inigo Jones (London 1573 – London 1652), artist William Kent (Bridlington 1685 - London 1748), publisher