HMS Melpomene in Distress, 17th November, 1805
Robert Strickland Thomas (1787-1853)
Art / Oil paintings
1846 (inscribed)
Oil on canvas
460 x 660 mm
Order this imageCollection
Calke Abbey, Derbyshire
NT 290380
Oil painting on canvas, HMS Melpomene in Distress, 17th November, 1805 by Robert Strickland Thomas (1787-1853), signed and inscribed the date 1846. HMS Melpomene is listing severely to one side as a huge wave almost engulfs it. Very dark sky with the beam on the right-hand side.
Acquired with Calke Abbey's contents, with the aid of a grant provided by the National Heritage Memorial Fund, thanks to a special allocation of money from the Government and transferred in lieu of tax on the estate of Charles Jenney Harpur-Crewe (1917 - 1981) to the National Trust with the house that was given by Henry Jenney Harpur-Crewe (1921- 1991), in 1984
Credit line
Calke Abbey, The Harpur Crewe Collection (acquired by the National Trust with the help of the help of the National Heritage Memorial Fund in 1984)
Marks and inscriptions
signed and inscribed with date 1846
Makers and roles
Robert Strickland Thomas (1787-1853), artist