circa 1920 - circa 1940
Mahogany, simulated mahogany, ebonized inlay, brass, mirror glass, metal
213.3 x 188.2 x 56.8 cm
Place of origin
Great Britain
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Wimpole, Cambridgeshire
NT 207078
A mahogany wardrobe, English, circa 1920 - 1940. Topped by a moulded cornice with ogee-pointed central arch. Of three doors, the central door mounted with a piece of beveled mirror glass with re-entrant top corners. The two flanking doors of quarter-veneered panels. The mirrored door and the right-proper door enclosing a rail. The left proper door enclosing three shelves and two short drawers with flush brass handles. All above a base of two quarter-veneered drawers with brass drop handles and on turned feet.
Date of acquisition not recorded, but probably acquired by George Bambridge (1892 - 1943) and Elsie Bambridge (1896 - 1976), who purchased a largely empty Wimpole in 1938. The hall and contents were bequeathed to the National Trust in 1976 by Elsie Bambridge.