A Kodak No 2A Autographic Folding Brownie Camera.
Eastman Kodak Co
Photographic technology
1915 - 1926
Metal, Leather, Chrome, Glass
200 x 88 x 155 mm
Place of origin
Fox Talbot Museum, Wiltshire
NT 1525765
A Kodak No 2A Autographic Folding Brownie Camera. The body is the b is metal covered with black leather. The bellows is black leather and is supported by two chrome struts. The lens pans runs on two chrome rails and focus is achieved by locating one of two notches on the baseplate but the markings are now unclear. There is a rotating brilliant viewfinder. There is a three speed shutter with speeds to 1/100 sec. plus B and T. These three speeds are labelled 'Clear', 'Brilliant' and 'Moving objects' respectively. The iris diaphram is contolled by a lever and a number of options are printed on the front plate ' portrait, near view, average view, distant view, marine clouds'. Also printed on the lens panel is 'Patented is USA Jan 18 1910 Jan 7 1913' and bellow the lens is 'Kodak Ball Bearing Shutter'. Bellow the lens panel is a metal plate with gold lettering 'No 2-A Folding Autographic Brownie' A panel on the basebplate says 'Eastman Kodak Company Rochester NY, USA.' The camera is loaed by removing the complete bellow/lens assembly. It uses 116 film and gives 21/4x 41/4 in images. On the rear is the autographic panel with a metal flap marked 'Use Autographic Film No A-116'. On the side is a leather handle embossed 'No 2A Folding Autographic Brownie'.
Makers and roles
Eastman Kodak Co , manufacturer