An Ihagee folding plate camera.
Photographic technology
1924 - 1925
Wood, Metal, Leather, Glass
180 x 155 x 180 mm
Place of origin
Order this imageCollection
Fox Talbot Museum, Wiltshire
NT 1524828
An Ihagee reflex folding plate camera. The body is wooden covered with black leather and the bellows is also black leather. The struts are chrome and the lens mount is black metal. The shutter is focal plane and the plate size is 9 x 6.5 cm. On the lens barrel is 'HugoMayer & Co. Goerlitz no 343982 Doppel Anastigmat Veraplan 1:4.5 F=12cm'. The aperture settings go down to f36. The mount has a rising facility. The lens plate reads 'Patent' and 'Ihagee, Dresden' Viewing can be via a focusing screen, a frame finder or reflex system. There are two tripod bushes, a leather shoulder strap and a leather carrying handle. The base and rear are embossed 'Ihagee, Dresden'. On the side there is a metal table of exposures. A metal disc on the rear reads ' Ihagee, Manchwerk, Steenbergen, Dresden'
Part of The Fenton Collection. A gift from British Film Institute in 2017. From 1986-1999, part of BFI collection for the Museum of the Moving Image. BFI purchased collection in 1986 from James Fenton's Museum of Photography, Port Erin, Isle of Man 1976-1986
Makers and roles
Ihagee, manufacturer