Lancashire Loom
Machinery and industrial devices
128.5 cm (height); 226 cm (length); 116 cm (width)
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Quarry Bank, Cheshire
NT 1453821
A Lancashire loom, manufacturer unknown, circa 1880. This machine is number 212, identified by its affixed plate. This machine weaves cotton fabric using warp and weft threads. Hundreds of warp threads are wound around a metal beam at the back of the machine, and are drawn in from the back through a series of healds (thin ropes with eyelets) that are attached to heald shafts. As the shafts are raised and lowered, the weft thread is sent from side-to-side between the warp threads by a shuttle, weaving together the individual threads into a solid piece of cloth. This loom has a dobby mechanism attached (NT.1453856), allowing fancier cloth to be woven.
Marks and inscriptions
Front of horizontal bar that runs across top of loom: white; 212 Front of horizontal bar that runs across top of loom: white; 212 Hanging from horizontal bar: front; ends 2200 / reed b2 / ends grey 2200 / loom no. 212 / counts twist medium 18 / counts weft 12s / ends colour .... / dividend .... / price .... / reed space 49" / no. sort .... / width cloth 44½ / quantity of cuts 10 / counts reed 52 / prog no. .... / change wheel 44 / marks in cuts 10 / length in yards .... / date (deleted) / date in 17.1.1997 / 2 reed bars Front of horizontal bar that runs across top of loom: white; 212 Hanging from horizontal bar: front; ends 2200 / reed b2 / ends grey 2200 / loom no. 212 / counts twist medium 18 / counts weft 12s / ends colour .... / dividend .... / price .... / reed space 49" / no. sort .... / width cloth 44½ / quantity of cuts 10 / counts reed 52 / prog no. .... / change wheel 44 / marks in cuts 10 / length in yards .... / date (deleted) / date in 17.1.1997 / 2 reed bars Hanging from horizontal bar: reverse; numerical calculations in hand written in pencil