Open robe
1750 - 1760
Linen, Silk, Wool
410 mm (W)
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Snowshill Wade Costume Collection, Gloucestershire
NT 1348707.1
Dress; Open robe - Part of dress made of silk/wool weft/warp 410mm (16 in) wide. Plain gold. Bodice and sleeves lined with linen. Bodice fitted to waist. Robings. Pleats in back sew to lining tapering to waist - run in one piece to hem. Sleeves pleated to back shoulder. Narrow to above elbow with two wave-edge flounces. Skirt pleated all round towards back. Trimmed with pleated, pinked trim of self fabric - on robings, flounces and stomachers (trim missing from centre-back and over left shoulder). Two stomachers of same fabric - each with different decoration of applied pinked strips. This dress may be unfinished and unworn. Has been loaned to V and A Snowshill 36A. Cf. Nancy Bradfield 'Costume in Detail' pages 33-34. (female) Wade Catalogue number E.10 "Dress of silk poplin, yellow, fan sleeves, with two stomachers of same material, different designs 1755 -75" Gift from Miss Godfrey of Wymondham, Norfolk
Miss Godfrey