The Palm Offering
after Frederick Goodall, RA (1822 - 1904)
Art / Oil paintings
1863 - 1899
Oil on board
145 x 110 mm
Kingston Lacy Estate, Dorset
NT 1258731
Hagar was the Egyptian servant of Abraham’s wife, Sarah. Abraham and Hagar had a child, Ishmael, but when Sarah miraculously gave birth to Isaac, she asked Abraham to banish Hagar and her son to the desert. When they ran out of food and water they sat down and Hagar could not bear to look at her child dying but, according to the biblical story, an angel appeared telling her that he would survive and become the father of a great nation, the Ishmaelites. Hagar then found a source of water. This Victorian depiction of mother and child may be the moment before or after Hagar has seen the angel.
Oil painting on board, The Palm Offering, after Frederick Goodall (1822-1904), mid to late 19th century
Bequeathed by Ralph Bankes (1902-1981)
Makers and roles
after Frederick Goodall, RA (1822 - 1904), artist