Study of a frog
Objets de vertu
c. 1913
Siberian nephrite jade, diamond
30 mm (H)24 mm (W)34 mm (D)
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Polesden Lacey, Surrey
NT 1247167.9
Siberian nephrite jade study of a frog, c.1910–13. The seated frog with head raised in supplicatory pose, its webbed feet folded in front of its body, the eyes set with rose-cut diamonds. Minor fracture to one front toe and tiny graze to another.
Purchased by Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia (1878–1918) from Fabergé's London branch for £14.15s on 22 December 1913 (inventory number 17730). The bequest of Margaret (Anderson) McEwan, The Hon. Mrs Ronald - later Dame Margaret - Henry Fulke Greville, DBE (1863-1942) from probate records linked with the donation of the property to the National Trust in 1943. This item found on the record for Polesden Lacey miniatures and small objects in the strong room, page 120.
Makers and roles
Fabergé, jeweller