View of the Ramparts of Dordrecht
Jan van Goyen (Leyden 1596 - The Hague 1656)
Art / Drawings and watercolours
circa 1644 - 1656
Pen and wash on paper
215 x 320 mm
Place of origin
Order this imageCollection
Polesden Lacey, Surrey
NT 1245842
A prolific landscape artist, Van Goyen is equally notable for his drawings as his paintings. This work represents the ramparts defending the port town Dordrecht, one of the hubs of trade and commerce that drove the massive economic expansion of the Dutch Republic in the seventeenth century. Van Goyen probably created finished drawings such as this with the intention of selling them to collectors.
Pen and wash drawing on paper, View of the Ramparts of Dordrecht by Jan van Goyen (Leyden 1596 – The Hague 1656), c.1644-56 Inscribed: "Vue sur les Ramparts de Dordrecht".
R.W. P. de Vries, Amsterdam, 10-11 April 1908; date of acquisition by Mrs Greville unrecorded; The bequest of Margaret (Anderson) McEwan, The Hon. Mrs Ronald - later Dame Margaret - Henry Fulke Greville, DBE (1863-1942) from probate records linked with the donation of the property to the National Trust in 1943. This item found on the record for Polesden Lacey pictures, drawings etc., the King's Parlour, page 142.
Marks and inscriptions
J. Van Goyen. Leyde 1596 La Haye 1656 (inscribed on front)
Makers and roles
Jan van Goyen (Leyden 1596 - The Hague 1656), artist