Lady Louisa Tollemache, Countess of Dysart (1745-1840) (after John Hoppner)
John Constable, RA (East Bergholt 1776 - London 1837)
Art / Oil paintings
1823 - 1825
Oil on canvas
749 x 622 mm (29½ x 24½ in)
Place of origin
Order this imageCollection
Ham House, Surrey
NT 1140003
Oil painting on canvas, Lady Louisa Manners, Countess of Dysart (1745-1840) by John Constable, RA (East Bergholt 1776 – London 1837), after John Hoppner (London 1758-1810), 1823-5, inscribed lower right in gold paint: Ly. Louisa Manners / 1805 / Louisa Countess of / Dysart. 1821. A half-length portrait of a young woman, turned to the left, looking at the spectator, dressed in a ‘fancy’ version of peasant costume, with a green skirt, brown bodice, over which is a red shawl, with a red mantle behind; she wears a straw hat tied under her chin with a red and white ribbon over a red cap; against a background of trees. The original portrait was painted by John Hoppner in 1805 and is now in the collection of the Musée d’art et d'histoire, Geneva. Another half-length copy of the Hoppner original was in the collection of the North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh, and was sold at auction in 2012.
In 1844 inventory and thence by descent until acquired in 1948 by HM Government when Sir Lyonel, 4th Bt (1854 – 1952) and Sir Cecil Tollemache, 5th Bt (1886 – 1969) presented Ham House to the National Trust, and entrusted to the care of the Victoria & Albert Museum, until 1990, when returned to the care of the National Trust, and to which ownership was transferred in 2002.
Credit line
Ham House, The Dysart Collection (purchased by HM Government in 1948 and transferred to the National Trust in 2002)
Makers and roles
John Constable, RA (East Bergholt 1776 - London 1837), artist after John Hoppner, RA (London 1758 – London 1810), artist