Dame Ellen Terry (1847-1928) as a Young Woman (after G. F. Watts)
Clare 'Tony' Atwood (Richmond 1866 - Tenterden 1962)
Art / Oil paintings
1928 (inscribed on reverse)
Oil on canvas
602 x 600 mm
Place of origin
Order this imageCollection
Smallhythe Place, Kent
NT 1118215
Oil painting on canvas, Dame Ellen Terry (1847-1928) as a Young Woman (after G. F. Watts) by Clare Atwood (Richmond 1866 - Tenterden 1962), 1928. A head-and-shoulders portrait, profile to the left. A copy of a G. F. Watts painting of 1864/5 in the National Portrait Gallery, London (purchased in 1928; on loan to Bodelwyddan Castle, Wales). Inscribed on the back of the canvas and dated 1928. Another copy by the same artist is in the Royal Shakespeare Company Collection, Stratford, 1920.
acquired with Smallhythe Place by National Trust in 1939
Marks and inscriptions
Inscribed on the back of the canvas and dated 1928
Makers and roles
Clare 'Tony' Atwood (Richmond 1866 - Tenterden 1962), artist after George Frederic Watts (London 1817 - Compton 1904), artist