Manuscripts and documents
Mr Straw's House, Nottinghamshire
NT 749093.3
The 'MEMORIAL OF THE MISSION' alongside tapestry, handwritten note in pencil and a newspaper cutting from 'TIMES 23 OCT. 1940' kept together in the book 'HOLY BIBLE' (record 3131137). White card with black and red print on one side a single line border with Greek crosses to each corner and a simple cruciform to the top centre, inside of the border. 'MEMORIAL OF THE MISSION AT THE Abbey Church, Worksop, February 6th, to 17th, 1886. "JESUS SAID. FOLLOW ME." NATHANIEL KEYMER, GAVIN CHARLES HAMILTON, - Mission HENRY FITZRICHARD HINDE, Priests. HENRY THOMAS SLODDEN, Vicar. ALFRED LOVELL SCOTT, - Assistant FREDERICK CECIL STOCK, Clergy.' On the back. 'RULES FOR THE GUIDANCE OF A CHRISTIAN LIFE. 1. Prayer to God, morning and evening in private, and in the family ; and, if possible, at mid-day. 2. The Reading of some portion of the Holy Scriptures daily, and meditation upon it. 3. self-examination, especially in preparing for Holy Communion ; and in spiritual difficulties, seeking counsel and help from a Clergyman. 4. The worship of od in His House on the Lord's Day, and, when possible, on week days. 5. regular reception of the Holy Communion, with careful prepara- tion before and thanksgiving after. 6. Fasting and abstinence both from food and amusement, on Fridays, Vigils, and in Lent. 7. Alms-giving, and other works of charity. 8. Recollection of the presence of God in daily life, and watch- fullness against the sin which most easily besets us.'.